Jonathan Aruliah

Full Stack Web Developer

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Hi, I’m Jonathan Aruliah!

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I'm a Web Developer that graduated from NAIT in the DMIT: Web Design and Development program. I'm a highly motivated individual that loves learning new technologies to improve my skills as a developer. I have a passion for creating Full Stack Web Applications with an optimal UI/UX and following modern-day best practices. Currently, I am learning as much as I can every day by working on self-directed projects and implementing technologies that have become industry standards.














Expense Tracker

This is my first full stack application. When registered and logged in the user can add, remove and edit expenses. All expenses as well as users are saved in the database. Through working on this project I learned how the front end of an application interacts with the backend. I implemented basic user authentication as well as CRUD.

  • Reactjs
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap


This application allows a user to search up a stock ticker symbol, if the ticker is valid, information will be displayed about the stock. This project consists of fetching data from an api and displaying it. Basic user authentication is implemented. If the user chooses to register and log in, they will have access to adding and removing items to the watchlist.

  • Reactjs
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • SASS
  • Bootstrap


This is a realtime chat app that uses to work with web sockets. Each user is welcomed with a list of chat rooms, once a username is selected the user can join one. In the chatroom all active users are shown and everyone has access to send messages to the chat room. This was my first project using Typescript through working on this I learned how it works and the benefits of using it over javascript. I also learned how real time data transferring works with web sockets.

  • Typescript
  • Reactjs
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • SASS


In this app users can start a typing game. A random quote is displayed on the screen and the user must type out the quote before time runs out. Word per minute scores and accuracy scores are calculated in real time. If the user is logged in their scores will be updated on the scoreboard. In this project I got to really improve my knowledge in react, as well as learn how to create a game loop. I implemented a different way of authentication by using Auth0.

  • Typescript
  • Reactjs
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap
  • Auth0

This is my portfolio website (this website). This project demonstrates all my featured projects and a little about me. Through building this website I learned how to use Nextjs as well as Strapi cms to create a high performance, dynamic website to display my work. I also used a library called react-tsparticles to add the particle effect in the background of the site.

  • Typescript
  • Reactjs
  • Nextjs
  • Strapi
  • SASS